Womb Healing
Do you feel stuck inside your body?
Sadly, this is a common experience for many women and people with wombs.
Your body has been through more than you know how to manage. Your menstrual cycles are full of pain and confusion that make you want to throw in the towel.
Your body holds remnants of violation, of times you said “yes” but meant “no”, of pain from places that you may not even be able to fully grasp.
You want it to be different.
You want to be more connected with your body, your intuition, and your reproductive health and well-being.
But nothing has helped. You’ve tried all kinds of other treatments.
Sessions are intuitively guided and often include:
Checking in verbally and grounding yourself in loving presence
Inviting in plant allies (alive and dried) to allow you to deepen through their sensuality
Sound healing
Energy healing
Abdominal & Womb healing touch
Closing the session together by integrating your experience
Guidance on how to deepen your practice outside of session
“Caitlin offers a beautiful presence and style of bodywork touches deeply into the physical body and energetics of the organs while bringing a heart-melting experience through her various tools of touch, plants, sound, oils, and meditative guidance. A session with Caitlin is an extra-special sensual experience that carries forward the embodied Feminine.”
— Nicole L.
“Caitlin’s ability to hold space, be present, and really speak with deep love in her heart is what finds me feeling safe to be with her, and have her touch my body and spirit. This work is so intimate & the energy she holds in order to create such Sacred space is what makes me know that I am held and seen any time I am in her Sacred Container.”